Why teachers’ unions are bad for education – Betsy Newmark has a snippet from the Wall Street Journal
MSN Adding RSS Syndication
MSN adding RSS syndication to MyMSN and MSN Spaces
Peace Is Possible Only if Palestinians Are Free
Peace is possible only if Palestinians are free – Natan Sharansky outlines four areas with which to judge whether or not the Palestinians live in a free society
Why Do Rather and His Boss Still Have Jobs?
Why do Rather and his boss still have jobs? – James Pinkerton wants to know
And here’s his take on the blogosphre.
This turn of events marks a historic shift in media power relationships. A bunch of bloggers, working mostly at home - the so-called pajama gang - actually nailed the “Tiffany Network.” Now, everyone in the journalistic establishment, including this writer, is on notice: The people are not only paying attention, but also providing powerful feedback, whether we like it or not.
Lawrence Lessig on Google and Copyrights
Lawrence Lessig on Google and Copyrights
Rathergate Report Out
Rathergate report out – Rumsfeld still has a job; Congressional Democrats to investigate.
And in a case of life imitating art: Chris Matthews is concerned because nobody from the Bush Administration has been fired over the lack of WMDs in Iraq, while the four CBS employees lost their jobs due to Rathergate.
I would say you can’t make this stuff up, but – well – Scott Ott did.
Does the GOP Need to Reach Out to “Sam’s Club Republicans”?
Does the GOP need to reach out to “Sam’s Club Republicans”? – David Hogberg has the details
Doc Searls’ Encounter With a Comedic Genius
Doc Searls’ encounter with a comedic genius – Who would have thought that Robin Williams was a Mac user?
Heartbreak Aside, Iraq Progresses
VDH: Heartbreak aside, Iraq progresses – Victor Davis Hanson on the unintended consequences of Sept. 11
Here’s a sample:
The United States is no longer the predictable enforcer of the status quo (“just export oil and drive out communists”). Rather, we are pledging blood and treasure for popular reform in a death struggle with Islamic fascism to offer a humane alternative to corrupt sheiks, generals and kings.
So what started out in Afghanistan and Iraq as regional efforts to stop rogue nations from aiding terrorists and threatening Americans and their allies has evolved into a wider conflict upon which literally the fate of hundreds of millions rests. Somehow two skyscrapers disintegrating in New York are linked with women lining up for elections in Afghanistan and brave Iraqis registering to vote amid gunfire in Baghdad – as the ripples of Sept. 11 continue to shake the Middle East.
Such is the case in war where unintended consequences follow, both good and bad. Lincoln promised the Civil War was to save the Union, and then in early 1863 announced it was really to eliminate slavery.
The Anglo-American alliance fought World War II to free Eastern Europe from Hitler – only to ensure that it was enslaved by our “ally,” Josef Stalin and his Red Army. An isolationist America without a military was attacked in late 1941 and ended up the century’s global peacekeeper just four years later.
The suicide bombs and explosions that go off daily in Iraq are not proof that Americans are losing the Sunni Triangle, but rather that thousands of secular and religious fascists are desperate not to lose their entire Middle East.
UT Campus Photos
UT Campus Photos – Courtesy of Glenn Reynolds
Is it springtime already? I’m glad I don’t live up north – although a bit of snow every once in a while is nice. And the weather is supposed to change this weekend and get quite a bit chillier.