Welcome to the new home of Abstract Musings.
This is the reason my posting has been light recently. I imported my Blogger archives into my Movable Type database, so all of my entries would be available here as well as at my old Blogspot site. That took some time as the import wasn’t perfect and I had to clean up most of the old entries by hand. Mostly, that involved fixing all the internal links to other entries within my blog itself. I am leaving my Blogspot site up so that all the links to pages on that site don’t break.
Also, I had to convert my Blogger template to a set of Movable Type templates. It took me me some time to learn how to use MT’s template tags and create all the separate templates.
I will also enable comments and trackbacks on new entries starting with this one. Comments will require either a TypeKey login, or a name and email. Also, comments posted with just a name and email will be subject to moderation.
If you notice anything amiss, please drop me a line – a link for my email address is in the navigation bar to the right – or leave a comment in this post.
Now, that the new site is up I plan to get back to posting more frequently. Thanks for your patientience. Hope you enjoy the new site.